Table of Contnet
Scope and Themes
What you need to know
Data sources
Sales data
Consumer survey data
Advertising creative
Abbreviations and terms
Executive Summary
Market factors
Coupon use fell 17% in 2012 as
retailers shifted strategies toward non-food items
Figure 1: Total U.S. CPG coupon
redemption volume, 2008-12
Brands pushing value credentials up
front to attract consumers
Figure 2: New product launches
claiming economy vs premium, 2008-13*
The Consumer
Nearly all grocery shoppers are
price sensitive
Figure 3: Type of grocery shopper,
March 2013
Consumers changing shopping habits
to seek value
Figure 4: Grocery shopping habits,
March 2013
Three out of four women like thrill
of getting a bargain
Figure 5: Agreement with attitudes
toward pricing and promotions, by gender, March 2013
Half of parents switch brands based
on specials
Figure 6: Behaviors regarding
promotions, by parental status, March 2013
Consumers prefer buy one, get one
free promotions by large measure
Figure 7: Promotional deals
preferred, March 2013
Mobile coupons can attract young
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Digital promotions represent the future of most industries,
including the grocery retail trade. Effective digital promotions do much more
than simply re-create the traditional coupon experience on a new platform.
Marketers are finding ways to digitally bring value to customers in
extraordinary new ways. Adapting current technology can help grocers attract
younger consumers but also, quite surprisingly, parents and even Walmart
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